As the deadline of making second payment on account on 31 July approaches, we’d like to remind you of some other important dates and deadlines this tax year.
If you need any help, clarifications and guidance with these dates, let us know. All the financial and accounting vocabulary used by HMRC can sound overwhelming and confusing, but we can explain everything in an accessible, supportive way and help you with all your self-employment needs.
31 July 2019 – the deadline for making second ‘payment on account’ to HMRC. This is applicable if you were self-employed inr 2017-18 tax year, owing tax of over £1,000 when you submitted your tax return for this period.
5 October 2019 – is the deadline for registering for Self Assessment if you’re self-employed or a sole trader, not self-employed, or registering a partner or partnership
31 October 2019 – the Self Assessment deadline for the tax year 2018-19 for a paper return rather than filing online. However, most businesses are currently filing their tax return online.
30 December 2019 – the deadline for filing your online tax return if you want the tax owed to be collected through PAYE via your tax code.
31 January 2020 – the deadlines for online tax returns and for paying the tax you owe
More information on HMRC website.